😎Change Email & Password

Manage Your Account Settings

  • In the top-right corner of the dashboard, click on the Account Setting icon.

  • On the Account Settings page, you'll find options to:

    • Change Your Username

    • Update Your Password

    • Delete Your Account

Change Your Email

  • To change your email address, click "Change Email" next to your current email listing.

  • Enter your current email address for verification.

  • Then enter the new email address you want associated with your account.

  • Click "Update Email" to save the new address.

Update Your Password

  • To update your password, click "Change Password," enter your current password, then enter and confirm your new password. Click "Update" to save.

Delete Your Account

  • To delete your account permanently, click the "Delete Account" button. You'll be prompted to confirm this action.

  • Be sure to save any important data before deleting, as this cannot be undone.

Last updated